Become an Egg Donor

Egg donation begins with basic screening and tests. All egg donors must meet a list of initial criteria recommended by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. These criteria include:

  • Be between the age of 21-30 – Have a BMI (body mass index) under 29
  • Willing and able to receive injections
  • Drug, nicotine, and smoke-free lifestyle
  • Current regular monthly periods
  • Being in excellent physical and mental health
  • Not on any birth control methods (Depo Provera, Implanon, etc)
  • Dependable and fully ready to commit to a 6 month long process involving appointments, tests, etc.

The pay of egg donors who donate at Simple Steps Fertility is generous and in line with the reward you deserve for bringing the gift of fertility into a new family’s life. Previous donors through our agency have used their compensation to pay down student loans, travel the world, put a down payment on a house or car, or leave a legacy for a family member.

The Application Process

Determining Donor eligibility begins with the initial application that is usually filled out online. This application asks questions regarding general health, medical history and family history to ensure the Donor meets initial criteria prior to proceeding. Some common questions include:

  • Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?
  • Have you had an abnormal pap smear?
  • What type of birth control do you use?
  • Do you have any medical/genetic problems?
  • Do you smoke cigarettes/ hookah/vape?
  • Do you use any drugs or medication?

The Match

The Donor cycle does not begin until the Egg Donor is selected by an Intended Parent to cycle. An Intended Parent looks through a database filled with Donor profiles when considering a Donor. The Donor profile includes a few photos and information about the donors medical history, family background, history, grades, goals, hobbies, work experience, and personality traits. Once the match is completed the Donor begins the screening process.

Legal Contract and Health Insurance

Once the medical and psychological screen is completed the Egg Donor will have the opportunity to meet with a legal consultant that will explain the laws and regulations surrounding egg donation, relinquishing parental rights, compensation and conduct. All Egg Donors will have health insurance coverage for the duration of their cycle and a month after. This is a precautionary measure to make sure if anything happens the Donor will have access to medical insurance and appropriate care. There are limitations to this insurance and the policy can be different at each center.

The Psychological and Medical Screening

The medical screen is conducted by a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist. During the medical consultation the Donor will have an opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the medical process. The medical screen includes the following.

  • Medical history and physical exam
  • Pelvic ultrasound to look at the ovaries
  • Ovarian reserve testing
  • Blood work to check all sexually transmitted disease
  • Genetic testing
  • Pap smear

The psychological evaluation is to determine if the egg donor is in suitable condition to make the decision to donate her eggs. It is important to make sure that the decision to donate eggs is done with a sound mind with no coercion involved. The donor should not be suffering from depression, anxiety, or any mental health condition. The egg donor must be in good mental health to proceed with the cycle.